Chapter One

A man in his mid 20s sits at a sleek black table as he kept his phone above it. Wearing a dark tactical suit and carries a high-powered sniper rifle. He for one minute scans the room of the tallest building; luxurious hotel "DUSK" . The view from the windows perfectly serves him the view of his enemy's building.

Minutes later the phone vibrates as the display glows with a notification. His gaze returns to the screen as he picks up and reads the message. "Target: Raichand. Entering his building at 9 AM." The man smirks and put the phone into his pocket as he begin assembling his sniper rifle at the skyscrapers's rooftop.


He sets up his position, the city skyline in the background. Checking the wind speed and direction he adjusts the scope and peer into it, zeroing in on target's car which halts in front of the magnificent giant building.

As the white car screeches in front ofย "Udvita Corporation" blowing off dust across the tyres followed by two black cars. The passenger seat's door to the left opens as Pranav Kumar Raichand exits the car as his each steps are driven straight towards the kingdom he built off so far.

Greeting at each and every employees and people he sees with his teeth displayed wide. He strides confidently towards the building with four bodyguards surrounding him unaware of the danger his blood brother would create.

Focused, unblinking, a predator's gaze from afar. He breathes slowly, every movement deliberate. Raichand's heart, perfectly aligned. His finger rests lightly on the trigger. His breathing slows. He inhales deeply, holds his breath, and squeezes the trigger.

The bullet leaves the barrel, cutting through the air, crossing the vast distance between him and the target. The bullet hits Raichand square in the heart. He staggers, a look of shock and pain on his face, as the body collapses. His bodyguards and people around him scrambled and screamed, but it's too late.

He watches through the scope as chaos erupts around Raichand's body. Satisfied, he dismantles his rifle with methodical precision, packing it into a case.

He stands, blending into the shadows remoting the area as he slips away, leaving no trace behind.

Chapter Two coming soon..................!!!!!!

Insta; authorserena_

Wattpad; haelyndares

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